Higher education opportunities in Ukraine (Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute) to the attention of foreign prospective and current students
Established in 1898 the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute (Igor Sikorsky KPI) – is one of the oldest technical university of Ukraine, Europe and world.
At present, Igor Sikorsky KPI is a national autonomous state higher education institution of research type.
Center for International Education (CIE) of the Igor Sikorsky KPI is a structural unit of the University for work with foreigners and stateless persons, which carries out recruitment, legalization of stay in Ukraine, accommodation in hostels of the university, preparation of foreigners and stateless persons for entry into higher educational establishments of Ukraine, and also accompanies the educational process in Igor Sikorsky KPI at all educational levels: Bachelor, Master, Ph.D., Doctor of Science (D.Sc.). The CIE also organizes and provides improvement courses, retraining, trainings, internships for foreigners and stateless persons in the structural units of the Igor Sikorsky KPI. Upon completion of foreign studies at the university, CIE issues a diploma or certificate in the European model.
All educational activity of the Igor Sikorsky KPI concerning foreign students is carried out on the basis of existing normative documents that regulate the entry of foreigners to Ukraine for the purpose of studying, their stay in Ukraine and departure to their homeland. Admission of foreign citizens to study is carried out on the basis of international treaties of Ukraine, national programs, agreements between the university and legal and natural persons, which ensures the stay of foreigners and stateless persons in Ukraine legally. CIE is engaged in registration and issuance of invitations for foreign citizens to study at the Preparatory Department; under the Bachelor’s, Master’s degree programs; as well as for postgraduate and doctoral studies. Foreign nationals who have received a basic or full higher education abroad and have expressed a desire to continue their studies at the Igor Sikorsky KPI in Ukrainian or other languages, enter the Preparatory department for the study of the language and necessarily undergo the procedure of nostrification of documents on the acquired educational and qualification level, which is conducted by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in due course. This procedure is carried out during the first year of study.
Information support of activity at the Igor Sikorsky KPI (structure, licenses and certificates of accreditation, educational / educational-scientific / publishing / certification (scientific workers) activity, samples of documents on education, conditions for accessibility of persons with disabilities and other low-mobility groups to the premises, educational and scientific structural units and their composition, list of courses, admission rules, contact information) is available from the official website of the University: https://kpi.ua/. All contacts and necessary information for foreigners and stateless persons regarding admission rules, conditions of residence and study, registration procedures, medical care of foreign nationals, extra-curricular work and leisure are available on the CIE website: http://www.istudent.kpi.ua (in Ukrainian, English, Russian, Arabic, Turkish and Chinese languages).