The scientific direction “thermomolecular energy” has been developing in IEE since the Order №2-206 of 13.10.2004 on the establishment of the Interfaculty Research Laboratory of Thermomolecular Energetics, Supervisor ScD., Prof. VA Eroshenko.

Thermomolecular energetics solves the problem of efficient accumulation, conversion and dissipation of energy in thermomechanical systems using fundamentally new physical and energy principles.

In contrast to traditional working fluids (gas or steam) for the first time in the world in the late 90’s it was proposed to use in thermomechanical systems interfacial surface in heterogeneous lyophobic systems (in repulsive clathrates) for energy storage and conversion (author – Professor Valentin Eroshenko, Kyiv Polytechnic Institute).

For the period 2004-2015, the following results were obtained by the staff of TME-Lboratory:

  • implementation of scientific and technical research on 5 state budget research (scientific supervisor – ScD, Prof. VA Eroshenko)
  • 14 scientific articles were published, indexed by scientometric databases Scopus, Web of Science;
  • 9 scientific articles were published in professional journals;
  • 1 utility model patent was issued;
  • 2 candidate dissertations were defended (VP Stoudenets, YG Grosu, scientific supervisor – ScD, Prof. VA Eroshenko).

Since 2016 The IEE has the Educational-Research Laboratory of Thermomolecular Energetics, Supervisor Ph.D., Assoc. VP Stoudenets. In accordance with the Regulations on the IEE TME-Laboratory, its staff in 2016-2021 received the following results.

  1. Educational and methodical work

Conducting a series of practical classes in 2 disciplines (VP ​​Stoudenets, MM Tsyrin):

  • Fundamentals of thermomolecular energy and technologies (for master of science students);
  • Features of thermodynamics of complex systems, topic 3. Thermodynamics of the interfacial surface (for PhD-students).
  1. Research and innovation activities

During 2016-2021, the following research was conducted on the basis of the TME-Laboratory and the following results were obtained:

  • implementation of scientific and technical research on 1 state budget research (scientific supervisor – Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. VP Stoudenets);
  • based on the results of previous research, an innovative development “Working samples of thermomolecular dampers-dissipators on the example of a car shock absorber” was prepared, which was included in the collection “Innovative developments of Igor Sikorsky KPI”, 2017.
  • 1 monograph and 1 section of a foreign monograph were published;
  • published 8 scientific articles indexed by scientometric databases Scopus, Web of Science;
  • TME-Laboratory staff took part in 4 foreign scientific conferences;
  • 1 candidate’s dissertation was defended (OV Yevtushenko, scientific supervisor – ScD, Prof. VA Eroshenko).
  • conducting research on the topics of 2 PhD-students (VV Bondarenko, II Leptyukhov (supervisor – Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. Stoudenets VP).

In 2021, according to the results of the competition H2020-FETPROACT-2018-2020 (FET Proactive – Boosting emerging technologies), the implementation of the international project “Electro-Intrusion” under the program HORIZON 2020. Ukraine in the international consortium (Spain, Italy, Ukraine, Poland, Great Britain, Belgium) is represented by the Laboratory of Thermomolecular Energy, IEE, Igor Sikorsky KPI (supervisor – Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. VP Stoudenets).