Postgraduate education education – specialized improvement of education and professional training of a person by deepening, expanding and updating his professional knowledge, skills and abilities or obtaining another specialty on the basis of previously acquired educational and qualification level and practical experience.

Postgraduate education of the National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute named after Igor Sikorsky” includes:

In KPI them. Igor Sikorsky, the organization and conduct of training in postgraduate education programs is provided by the  Educational and Methodological Complex “Institute of Postgraduate Education”  ( landing page ).

The second higher education is the acquisition of new knowledge and the acquisition of new qualifications by persons who already have higher education in the areas and specialties accredited by the KPI. Igor Sikorsky. Duration 2-3 years. Graduates receive a state diploma and a supplement to the European diploma.

The following areas / specialties are the most popular: Software Engineering, Computer Engineering, Information Security, Business Economics, International Economics, Marketing, Economic Cybernetics, Management, Innovation Management, Administrative Management, Philology (Translation), Heat Energy -polihrafichna right, Electrical Engineering  etc .

Advanced training – gaining additional knowledge and skills to expand their professional opportunities and career growth. Training programs differ in subject matter, duration of training and graduation document, which certifies the successful completion of training:

  • programs of advanced training of scientific and pedagogical workers of KPI named after Igor Sikorsky and other universities . Volume of training – from 108 academic hours, a document after graduation – a certificate of advanced training of the state standard
  • professional  development programs – a large number of already developed programs, as well as the possibility of developing new programs for the customer. Volume of training – from 72 academic hours, the document after graduation – a certificate of advanced training of the state standard
  • training programs for power engineers . Volume of training – from 72 academic hours, the document after graduation – a certificate of advanced training of the state standard
  • short-term training programs in the form of seminars and trainings. The amount of study – up to 72 academic hours, the document after graduation – a certificate of NMC “Institute of Postgraduate Education” KPI. Igor Sikorsky

Training in postgraduate education programs is provided by all accredited in KPI. Igor Sikorsky in areas and specialties and is carried out with the involvement of experienced teachers and highly qualified specialists in various sectors of the economy of Ukraine.

Students of postgraduate education programs can be persons who have already obtained educational qualification levels “junior specialist”, “bachelor”, “specialist” or “master” in higher educational institutions of II-IV levels of accreditation, senior students of higher educational institutions.

Students have the right to use the material base of KPI. Igor Sikorsky (premises, computer and office equipment, Internet) in accordance with the approved training schedule. They are provided with methodological materials and the right to access information resources of relevant disciplines (distance learning courses, tests, assignments, electronic textbooks, laboratory work, etc.).

Postgraduate education programs are financed exclusively by the Customers (individuals and legal entities) on a contractual basis.