
From the Faculty of Mining to the Institute of Energy Conservation and Energy Management


In 2021, the Educational and Research Institute of Energy Saving and Energy Management (ER IEE) of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, which since 1997 (Fig. 1) is the successor of the Faculty of Mining (FM), the Faculty of Mining Electromechanics and Automation (FGEMA), the Faculty of Mining Technology (GTF), celebrates a significant and pleasant event – 75 years since its foundation, and the 70th anniversary of the first graduation of specialists!

Fig. 1 – Emblems of the faculties and the institute from the time of foundation to the present.

The Faculty of Mining was founded in 1946 to train engineering personnel for the reconstruction and development of the mining industry of Ukraine in the difficult postwar years for the country. The newly established Mining Faculty of KPI was entrusted with a responsible mission – training of highly qualified engineering personnel for the revival, construction and operation of new mining enterprises, mines, mines, quarries for the extraction of minerals for fuel and energy, metallurgical and construction complexes and the national economy of Ukraine.

In this regard, the Government of Ukraine has decided to increase the admission of students to the mining specialties of the Faculty of Mining such as “Development of Mineral Resources”, “Geology and Exploration of Mineral Resources”, “Mine Construction”, “Mining Electromechanics and Automation”. With each day of existence, the faculty grew stronger and more courageous, its authority grew. For persistence in learning and achieving goals, initiatives and good deeds, for a kind of mining spirit, we were called the proud name “Miners”, and the institute is still sometimes called “mining”.

In 1946, the Faculty of Mining was opened at the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute to rebuild the mining industry destroyed during the war. At the origins of the faculty were academicians ON Shcherban, NA Starikov, VBSologub, Corresponding Member USSR Academy of Sciences P.S. Kucherov, professors MM Zhukov, E.Ya. Ivanchenko, A.G Mikhailov, V.V. Tsaritsyn,  Kravets V.I., Vynoslavsky V.M. , associate professors OM Kuznetsov, Phil I.P, P.F. Ribchenko, O.O. Vopilkin and others.

Academicians of the NAS of Ukraine O.N. Shcherban, N.A. Starykov, V.B. Sologub, Corresponding Member P.S. Kucherov, professors – M.M. Zhukov, E.Y. Ivanchenko, A.G. Mikhailov, V.V. Tsaritsyn, V.I. Kravets, V.M. Vinoslavsky, associate professors O.M. Kuznetsov, I.P. Fil, P.F. Rybchenko, O.O. Vopilkin and others. Despite the hard times, students of the KPI Mining Faculty had at that time an increased scholarship and an attractive professional mining uniform, which distinguished them from students of other universities in Ukraine. During the period from 1946 to 1951, the faculty trained 95 mining engineers in four specialties. The first graduation of specialists took place in 1951.

Subsequently, the Faculty of Mining has passed a long and thorny path of formation and development. Time was changing, there was no own educational building, hostel, there were not enough premises for training, but, despite all the difficulties, the authority of the faculty was steadily growing, and it adequately responded to all the challenges and requirements of the time.

Turning the pages of times and events, and in moments of success and in difficult times – always, at the head of the Faculty of Mining, the Faculty of Mining Electromechanics, the Faculty of Mining Engineering, the Institute of Energy Saving and Energy Management stood its outstanding leaders – deans O. M. Kuznetsov, G.K. Rozkoshnyi, V.I. Kravets, V.M. Vinoslavskyi, O.A. Pyrskyi, V.V. Smirnov, directors A.V. Prakhovnyk, and since 2013 – S.P. Denysiuk (Fig. 2). They were outstanding personalities who gave all their tireless energy, talents, capabilities, spiritual values and wisdom for the attitude, development and enhancement of the authority of not only the faculty, but the KPI as a whole.

Fig. 2 – Our dear leaders, mentors, friends.

Suffice it to cite just one example of service to the noble and responsible cause of the faculty leadership, a participant of the Great Patriotic War, professor, honored worker of the Higher School, a favorite of FGEMA students – V.M. Vinoslavsky, who was the dean of FGEMA for 30 years, from 1958 to 1988.

The faculty has passed a glorious and at the same time difficult path from the birthday to the present! Since 01.12.1998, it has a proud name – the Institute of Energy Saving and Energy Management, and since 10.11.2021, according to the order of the rector of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute № NU/245/2021, it was renamed into the Educational and Research Institute of Energy Saving and Energy Management (ER IEE).

In 1967, a significant event took place, which was awaited with excitement and joy for many years – the revival, and the second birth of the faculty! The Faculty of Mining was already opened under a new name: the Faculty of Mining Electromechanics and Automation (FGEMA). This was achieved thanks to the great desire of the whole team, dean V.M. Vinoslavsky, teachers M.M. Lebedev, Y.O. Burmistrov, A.V. Prakhovnyk, L.S. Sachkov, A.I. Tsyganiy and others.

In addition, the staff and students of the faculty really wanted to have their own house and dormitory. This dream increased and activated the desire of the team, and in 1974 FGEMA received a wonderful gift as a reward – the educational building № 22 and the faculty dormitory № 16 were put into operation (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3 – Dear to our hearts educational building № 22 (KPI) in 1974.

It should be noted that the teaching and scientific staff of the departments were constantly and traditionally replenished by their talented and patriotic graduates. The departments were headed by well-known personalities, scientists who, in addition to the educational process, together with the staff of their departments were actively engaged in scientific activities for the enterprises of the fuel and energy complex. The departments created scientific and educational laboratories that met the needs of training and scientific research of the time.

At the Department of Electric Power Supply under the leadership of Prof. V.M. Vinoslavsky was created a scientific school of power supply: optimization of power consumption modes, power consumption systems of mining enterprises, power supply systems. In 1970-1980, under the leadership of Professor A.V. Prakhovnyk, a scientific direction on power consumption management was created. The scientific and engineering center of energy saving was created at the department, which was later transformed into the Research Institute of Automation and Energy “Energy”. Since 2012, the Department of Power Supply has been headed by: V.V. Prokopenko, S.P. Denysiuk, V.A. Popov. Today the department is headed by Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor D.G. Derevyanko.

In 1967, the Department of Automation of Mining Industry was founded at the faculty. The first head of the department was Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences G.M. Yanchuk (1967 – 1973). From 1973 to 2006, the famous scientist professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences V.M. Chermalykh, a specialist with extensive industrial professional experience, who created an authoritative scientific school of automated electric drive with semiconductor converters, continued the work and traditions of the department. Since 2006, the department, which received a new name – automation of control of electrical engineering complexes, was headed by a well-known scientist, professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences V.P. Rosen.

In 1957 – 1991, under the leadership of professors V.V. Tsarytsyn and then O.A. Pyrsky, who headed the Department of Technology and Mechanization of Mining Works, scientific directions of development of effective geotechnologies, mechanization of mining works, creation of highly effective rock-breaking tools were formed.

Years passed, the faculty grew and developed, new departments were created.

In 1962, the Department of Labor Protection was established, headed by Associate Professor V.I. Kravets (1962 – 1973). From 1973 to 2007, this department was headed by the Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences K.N. Tkachuk. On his initiative and participation, in 1994 the National Research Institute of Labor Protection was established, where from 1994 to 2000 K.N. Tkachuk worked as director. Since 2007, the department with the new name “Labor Protection, Industrial and Civil Safety”, is headed by Prof., Doctor of Technical Sciences O.G. Levchenko.

The history of the creation and activity of the Department of Mining Electromechanics, which trained specialists in electromechanics for the fuel and energy complex, is interesting. The department was founded back in 1949, the first head of which from 1949 to 1953 was a well-known scientist, professor E.Y. Ivanchenko. From 1953 to 1966 the department was headed by Professor V.M. Vinoslavsky. In 1989, the activity of the Department of Mining-Electromechanics was restored (Head of the Department – Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences S.P. Shevchuk), and in 1995 the department received a new name – Electromechanical Equipment of Energy-Intensive Production.

Since 1991, the basic department of technology and mechanization of mining operations (TMGR) began training specialists in ecology and environmental protection (head of the department professor, doctor of technical sciences O.A. Pirsky).

In 1993, on the basis of the Department of TMGR, the Department of Underground Construction was established at the Faculty, headed by Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences V.G. Kravets. The department trained specialists in the specialties “Mine and underground construction” and “Development of mineral deposits”. In subsequent years, the department under the new name “Geoengineering” was headed by Prof. Dr. V.G. Kravets and Associate Professor S.M. Stovpnyk. Today the department is headed by Prof. Dr. O.O. Vovk.

In 1993, the Department of Engineering Ecology was established to train specialists in the specialties “Ecology of Mining”, “Ecology of Energy”. For many years, the department was headed by Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences O.A. Pyrsky. Later the department was successfully headed by professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences A.G. Smirnov, associate professor A.I. Kryuchkov, professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences I.A. Luchko, professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences K.K. Tkachuk.

An important milestone in the further development of the faculty was the implementation of the “Comprehensive State Program for Energy Saving”. In 1997 in NTUU “KPI” on the basis of the Faculty of Mining Engineering and the Institute of Energy Saving and Energy Management was created a modern Institute of Energy Saving and Energy Management – a new educational unit, which now bears the glorious name – “Educational and Research Institute of Energy Saving and Energy Management” (ER IEE). For a long time (1997 – 2012), the IEE was headed by a well-known scientist in the field of energy conservation, a graduate of FGEMA, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Laureate of the State Prize and Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine A.V. Prakhovnyk. From 2012 to the present time, the newly created ER IEE is headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Laureate of the Lebedev Prize of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine S.P. Denysiuk.

In Ukraine, the IEE is the founder of the scientific direction and educational specialty “Energy Management”, and together with the Institute of Electrodynamics of the NAS of Ukraine – the scientific and educational direction “Intelligent energy and electric power systems of energy efficient technologies”.

In 1997, the Department of Heat Engineering and Energy Saving became part of the IEE, which strengthened the scientific potential of the IEE. From 1986 to 2000, the department was headed by Prof. S.M. Konstantinov, from 2000 to 2021 – Prof., Doctor of Technical Sciences V.I. Deshko. Since 2021, the department is headed by Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences I. Bilous. During 2007-2015, a powerful scientific school “Thermomolecular Energy” was created at the department by a well-known scientist, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences V.A. Yeroshenko.

Today, our Institute of IEE continues to develop the glorious traditions of the Faculty of Mining (1946-1963), the Faculty of Automation and Instrumentation (1963-1967), the Faculty of Mining Electromechanics and Automation (1967-1989), the Faculty of Mining Engineering (1989-1998) with a high scientific and pedagogical potential of teachers and staff, with its own educational building № 22, modern scientific and educational laboratories and its own hostel (№ 16).

In recent years, according to the requirements of time, in order to increase the level of efficiency and quality of training of specialists in Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, there was a restructuring of subdivisions and departments, within which there was a reorganization of the IEE subdivisions. In order to concentrate efforts on promising scientific areas, the Department of Geoengineering was merged with the Department of Engineering Ecology, as well as the Department of Electromechanical Equipment of Energy-Intensive Production and Automation of Control of Electrical Engineering Complexes. As a result, new powerful departments appeared in the IEE with the names of “Geoengineering”, headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor O.O. Vovk and “Automation of control of electrical and mechatronic complexes”, headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor V.P. Rosen.

Today the structure of the ER IEE, the structure of which is shown in Fig. 4, includes 5 departments: Electric Power Supply (EP); Geoengineering (GE); Automation of Electrical and Mechatronic Complexes (AEMC); Heat Engineering and Energy Saving (TE); Labor protection, industrial and civil safety (OPCS), 2 research centers (Center for training of energy managers, Center for energy-saving pulse-wave structures and technologies) and 4 laboratories (research center for energy-saving pulse-wave structures and technologies and training systems, research (experimental) interactive laboratory for diagnostics of operational materials in energy and transport, educational and scientific laboratory of thermomolecular energy, educational and scientific laboratory of resource and energy.

The departments of the ER IEE today train highly qualified specialists in the following specialties: 141 Electric Power Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics (under the educational programs: energy management and energy-efficient technologies; systems for providing consumers with electricity; engineering of intelligent electrical and mechatronic complexes), 144 Heat Power Engineering (under the educational program Energy Management and Engineering of Heat Power Systems) and 184 Mining (under the educational program Geoengineering).

The teaching staff of the institute provides a high level of educational process taking into account the requirements of the present, preparing a worthy young change with great professional and moral potential, preserving the traditions and specifics of the institute that have developed over decades!

During the period of its existence, since 1946, more than 12 thousand engineers and masters have been trained in various forms of education. As of 01.10.2021, 539 undergraduate and 20 graduate students are enrolled in the ER IEE. The educational process is provided by 100 scientific and pedagogical workers, including 22 doctors of sciences, professors, 53 candidates of sciences, associate professors and 25 teachers.

Graduates and teachers of the Institute have defended more than 30 doctoral and 280 PhD theses. More than 6000 scientific works were published, about 650 copyright certificates and patents for inventions were obtained, more than 100 textbooks, manuals and monographs were published.

The Institute publishes two scientific professional journals of category B “Energy: Economics, Technology, Ecology” and “Geoengineering”.

The University gave a ticket to life and is proud of many graduates who work in mining, energy, construction enterprises of various sectors of the national economy, state and scientific institutions in Ukraine, namely:

– statesmen: O.N. Shcherban (Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Ukraine (1961-1965), Chief Scientific Secretary of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (1953-1957), D.Y. Andrievsky – People’s Deputy of Ukraine, Prof. L.S. Sachkov – Chairman of the Central Committee of the Trade Union of Education and Science of Ukraine, Yu. I. Shulga – Chairman of the State Committee on Energy Saving of Ukraine, R.P. Kysil – deputy of the Kyiv City Council of VII convocation, N.I. Sokolovska – Deputy Head of the Secretariat, Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, O.S. Matviychuk, Deputy Secretary of the Commission of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine;

– IEE lecturers, laureates of the State Prizes in Science and Technology of Ukraine: V.M. Vinoslavsky, V.B. Sologub, K.N. Tkachuk, V.G. Kravets, O.O. Vovk, V.I. Lyal’ko, M.G. Popovych, A.V. Prakhovnyk, V.P. Kalinchyk, V.V. Prokopenko, L.I. Nesen; Laureates of State Prizes of other countries, and KPI prizes: A.G. Smirnov (State Prize of Lithuania), O.O. Vovk (State Prize of Lithuania), O.A. Pirsky (NTUU KPI Prize), V.I. Kot (Laureate of the State Prize of the USSR in Science and Technology), S.P. Fishchenko (Laureate of the State Prize of the USSR in Science and Technology);

– heads of ministries, scientific institutions, enterprises: I.A. Zolotarev – Minister of the Ministry of Construction Materials of Ukraine, V.I. Kot – Deputy Minister of Coal Industry of the USSR, S.P. Fishchenko – Deputy Minister of Coal Industry of Ukraine and the USSR. Minister of Energy, O.A. Orzhel;

– graduates of the IEE, who made a significant contribution to the development of the KPI: M.G. Popovych, who in 1975-1988 headed the Faculty of Electric Power Engineering and Electrical Engineering of the KPI, V.D. Leporsky, in 1978-1988, Dean of the FEA;

– famous athletes of IEE and KPI: Sergiy Nikolsky became the World and Olympic champion in kayaking and canoeing, world champion Sergiy Chumakov (wrestling), European champion Natalka Smotrova (pistol shooting), Sergiy Teriokhin (European champion in artistic gymnastics), Pavlo Magerovsky (won the World Cup in bench press), Oleksiy Konstantin, (Champion of Ukraine in rock climbing), Serhiy Bas (Gold medalist of the Interuniversity Olympiad), Lisa Pyatigorets (Prize-winner of Ukraine in table tennis).

Our ER IEE has always been proud of talented young people who came to study as miners, geologists, power engineers, heat engineers, ecologists! How can we not remember today the brothers Anatolii and Yevhen Mokrenko, who became not only excellent miners and geologists, but Anatolii became a world-famous opera and folk singer, People’s Artist of Ukraine, People’s Artist of the Soviet Union.

The Institute of Energy Saving and Energy Management takes an active part in the implementation of international projects in the areas of improving the efficiency of higher education, scientific developments in energy saving, energy management, urban planning, environmental protection and occupational safety.

Scientific directions of the IEE are represented by schools of well-known scientists in Ukraine: academicians of the NAS of Ukraine: O.N. Shcherban, M.A. Starykov, Corresponding Members of NAS of Ukraine – V.I. Lyal’ko, V.I. Sologub, P.S. Kucherov, Doctors of Technical Sciences, professors: V.V. Tsarytsyn, V.A. Yeroshenko, A.V. Prakhovnyk, V.M. Chermalikh, O.A. Pyrsky, V.G. Kravets, A.M. Samedov, A.P. Kichigin, O.O. Vovk, K.N. Tkachuk, V.I. Deshko, V.V. Zorin, S.P. Denysiuk, M.P. Kovalko, V.D. Vorobyov, V.P. Rosen, V.F. Skryl, M.G. Popovych, V.D. Leporsky and others.

To date, scientific schools have been created and successfully operate at the ER IEE (Table 1), which are presented in the form of scientific groups under the leadership of leading and well-known scientists of the Institute (Table 2).

Table 1: Scientific schools of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.

Title Head of
1 Energy management of intelligent energy efficient systems (Smart Grid) of electricity supply Denysiuk Serhii Petrovych
2 Management of energy efficiency of processes of industrial and municipal facilities Rosen Viktor Petrovich
3 Modeling and analysis of heat engineering processes and systems Deshko Valeriy Ivanovych
4 Formation of engineering properties of rocks by means of geodynamics Kravets Viktor Georgievich
5 Development of methods and means of protection against harmful and dangerous production factors in welding and related technologies Levchenko Oleg Grigorievich
6 Energy-saving destruction of bottom-holes by activation of resonance phenomena in them Terentyev Oleg Markovich

As an example, it should be noted that during the entire period of activity of the Department of Electricity Supply (since 1949), active scientific work has been carried out. Its results are presented at the department by the scientific school “Energy Management of Intelligent Energy Efficient Systems (Smart Grid) of Electricity Supply.” (under the guidance of the scientific supervisor of the department, Professor S.P. Denysiuk) and four scientific groups that ensure the development of the main scientific directions of the department and strengthening ties with leading international scientific institutions and organizations.

Over the past two decades, a wide range of research has been carried out on energy management and the introduction of energy-efficient technologies, the construction of intelligent systems and energy supply networks in accordance with the Smart Grid concept, the use of distributed generation, a new generation of metering and control systems, control equipment, active participation of the consumer in the formation of optimal modes of electricity use, the creation of energy audit systems (S.P. Denysiuk, V.A. Popov, V.F. Nakhodov, V.V. Prokopenko).

The Department of Electric Power Supply trains specialists who are able to develop, design and operate intelligent energy complexes and systems, integrated power supply systems, both centralized and decentralized, create energy management systems for industrial and municipal facilities based on the Smart Grid concept, microgrids and virtual power plants, create modern energy management systems, work with modern energy-saving, energy-efficient technologies, monitor energy consumption, and monitor energy efficiency.

The Department of Electric Power Supply is the founder and main organizer of the international scientific conferences “Intelligent Energy Systems – ESS” and “Energy Management: State and Prospects of Development – PEMS” (scientific adviser – Doctor of Technical Sciences S.P. Denysiuk).

Table 2: Scientific groups of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.

№ п/п Title Head of
ІЕЕ-01 Intelligent energy networks and systems Denysiuk Serhii Petrovych
ІЕЕ-02 Energy efficiency control and management of power consumption modes Nakhodov Vladimir Fedorovich
ІЕЕ-03 Modern methods of control of electric power distribution systems in the conditions of widespread introduction of dispersed means of its generation and accumulation Popov Volodymyr Andriyovych
ІЕЕ-04 Standardization and metrology of electric power networks and systems Voloshko Anatolii Vasylovych
ІЕЕ-05 Management of power consumption modes of industrial and municipal facilities Rosen Viktor Petrovych
ІЕЕ-06 System for improving the quality of protection of electrical facilities Lebedev Lev Mykolayovych
ІЕЕ-07 System for improving the energy efficiency of electrical facilities Chermalikh Oleksandr Valentynovych
ІЕЕ-09 Geomechatronic systems of resource-saving technologies Zaychenko Stefan Volodymyrovych
ІЕЕ-10 Adaptive shock-wave systems Slidenko Viktor Mikhailovich
ІЕЕ-11 Engineering research and energy management services Deshko Valeriy Ivanovych
ІЕЕ-12 System energy analysis and modeling of buildings Sukhodub Iryna Olegivna
ІЕЕ-13 Thermomolecular energy Studenets Viktor Petrovych
ІЕЕ-14 Development of underground urbanism as a system of alternative design configurations Gayko Gennady Ivanovich
ІЕЕ-15 Management of the geomechanical state of the foundations for the development of underground infrastructure Stovpnyk Stanislav Mykolayovych
ІЕЕ-16 Environmentally safe geoengineering technologies Remez Natalia Serhiivna
ІЕЕ-17 Resource-saving technologies in mining Kryuchkov Anatoly Ivanovich
ІЕЕ-18 Protection of workers from harmful and dangerous production factors during the use of electric arc welding and related technologies Levchenko Oleg Grigorievich
ІЕЕ-19 Evaluation and improvement of directions for increasing the efficiency of management activities in the field of occupational safety Polukarov Oleksii Ihorovych
ІЕЕ-20 Modern systems of electrical safety and safety of production processes, including personal protection Tretyakova Larisa Dmitrievna

Since 2019, the Department of Power Supply has been implementing a double degree program with the Warsaw University of Technology (WUT) as part of the project in the field of education “Preparation and implementation of an English-language joint second degree program – “New Generation Electricity and Energy Markets”. In 2020, a group of five Ukrainian students of the Department of Electric Power Supply of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute and a group of 11 Polish students from WUT started studying under this program (in the spring semester at WUT, and in the autumn semester at Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute). Under the terms of the project, the training was conducted by teachers of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute in English. Students who passed the competitive selection for participation in this program studied at the second qualification level (master’s degree) in the specialty 141 “Electric Power Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics”. At the moment, according to the results of training, Ukrainian students have already received diplomas of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute and WUT (almost all with honors).

To maintain relations with employers, the department has introduced dual education together with PJSC “DTEK Kyiv Regional Power Grids” since September 1, 2021. Students studying under this program have the opportunity, in addition to studying, to acquire professional skills and competencies in the workplace at the leading energy company in Ukraine.

The Department of Geoengineering provides training of highly qualified specialists in the educational program “Geoengineering” specialty 184 Mining in the field of production and technology, capable of complex implementation of design and technical calculations and production and technical works related to the use of underground space of megacities, underground infrastructure facilities, mining complexes (post-mining) and decarbonization technologies of the industrial sector.

The scientific potential of the department is provided by 10 doctors of sciences and 11 candidates of sciences, who are fruitfully working to strengthen and develop scientific ties with leading scientific institutions of Ukraine and the world.

The scientific school “Formation of engineering properties of rocks by means of geodynamics” with the following scientific directions has been developing at the department for many years:

– development of underground urbanism as a system of alternative design configurations;

– management of the geomechanical state of the foundations for the development of underground infrastructure;

– low-carbon resource-saving technologies of geotechnical systems;

– adaptation of traditional mining technologies in the development of the latest processes of extraction, accumulation and use of hydrogen energy carriers.

Researchers of the department take part in a number of international projects with partner universities, for example, the project “Study of methods of renovation and adaptation of historical underground objects of the city of Krakow” within the framework of the EU House of Europe program, the project of the National Research Foundation of Ukraine “Tools for planning the underground infrastructure of large cities to minimize environmental and technogenic risks of urban space based on a systematic methodology”.

At the Department of Automation of Electrical and Mechatronic Complexes (AEMC) fundamental system research and new scientific directions in energy management of electrical and energy systems and efficient use of electricity by electrical and mechatronic complexes have been launched. The foundation has been laid and research has begun in the direction of creating a theory of processes in complex electrical, electrotechnological and mechatronic complexes of fuel and energy, transport, mechanical engineering and mining industries, which consist of an interconnected complex of technological, electrical and computing equipment, in order to develop new structures of complexes, control systems, technical diagnostic systems, increase reliability, energy efficiency and productivity, by mathematical and physical analysis. The result of scientific achievements of the Department of AEMC is the creation of fundamentally new schemes of electrical and electrotechnological installations for a number of enterprises of the energy and mining industries. The developments of the department are finalists of the invention competitions of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and Sikorsky Challenge 2018-2021: Ukraine and the World.

The priority directions of the development of the Department of AEMC are the improvement of educational, methodological and research work using the results of scientific research in the direction of physical processes (electrical, mechanical, pneumatic, hydraulic, electrochemical, etc.), which are implemented in the components of electrical, electrotechnological and mechatronic complexes of various industries, with the involvement of international grant programs, including those of the European Union, in the educational and scientific process of the department.

At the Department of Heat Engineering and Energy Saving, a scientific school “Modeling and Analysis of Heat Technology Processes and Systems” was founded, headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor V.I. Deshko, whose life has been associated with Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute for more than half a century, of which almost 20 years – as head of the Department of Heat Engineering.

The staff and postgraduate students of the department carry out research within the framework of the HORIZON 2020 Project: “Simultaneous conversion of ambient heat and unwanted vibrations into electricity by nanotriboelectrification during intrusion / extrusion of non-wetting liquid into / from nanopores”. The international consortium consists of scientific teams from six European countries (Spain, Italy, Ukraine, Poland, Great Britain, Belgium), and the coordinator and inspirer of the project is Dr. Yaroslav Grosu (CICenergigune, Spain), a former lecturer at the Department of IEE. The project manager from Ukraine is Associate Professor of the Department of Heat Engineering and Energy Saving V.P. Studenets (2021-2024), the amount of the grant for Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute is 360 thousand euros. On the basis of this project, the Laboratory of Thermomolecular Energy, IEE, Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute was created (supervisor – PhD, Associate Professor V.P. Studenets). The project proposes a new and highly efficient method and devices for the simultaneous conversion of mechanical and thermal energy into electricity.

Within the framework of the scientific school on the basis of the Department of Heat Engineering and Energy Saving, the scientific group of chemotological reliability, engineering and technology also started its activity.

In recent years, the Department of Labor Protection, Industrial and Civil Safety together with the E.O. Paton Institute of Electric Welding of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine has developed new models of energy-saving local ventilation equipment for welders’ workplaces: ventilation and filter ventilation units of various types. A mobile protective shield for non-stationary workplaces of welders, designed to protect against optical (visible and ultraviolet) radiation of the welding arc at unprepared workplaces, was independently developed. The latest models of protective clothing for workers of nuclear power plants were developed and new developments of protective clothing for miners and military were proposed.

At the request of the Law of Ukraine “On Energy Efficiency of Buildings”, on October 15, 2018, by the order of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute at the Institute of Energy Saving and Energy Management on the basis of the Energy Manager Training Center (EMT), an Attestation Commission headed by the Director of the IEE S.P. Denisyuk for professional certification of persons who intend to carry out activities on certification of energy efficiency and inspection of engineering systems of buildings, developed and approved a curriculum and opened courses for training, retraining and advanced training of specialists in these areas, organized the acceptance of qualifying exams and professional certification of energy auditors.

At the request of METINVEST-PROMSERVICE LLC, in 2021, the CPEM developed a training program “Steam Turbines and Compressor Machines” and introduced online training. 54 specialists of one of the leading metallurgical companies in Ukraine have undergone advanced training.

A Memorandum between the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) and Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute on cooperation in the framework of the international technical assistance project “Support to the National Energy Efficiency Fund and the Environmental Reform Program (S21) in Ukraine” was prepared and signed.

The CPEM has developed a training program for advanced training of persons who intend to carry out activities on energy efficiency certification and inspection of engineering systems, according to the module “Work of energy auditors with the Energy Efficiency Fund”. The training program complies with the recommendations of GIZ and the Energy Efficiency Fund on the development of training programs. Within the framework of Module 2, students will receive the necessary knowledge, practical skills and recommendations.

A new research (experimental) interactive laboratory for diagnostics of operational materials in energy and transport was established in the structure of the IEE (Head – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor S.V. Boychenko).

The vision of the Laboratory is the integration of scientific potential for the formation of an effective sector of scientific research and scientific and technical developments to ensure the competitiveness of domestic production and education in energy, transport and energy efficiency, sustainable development, national security of Ukraine and improving the quality of life of the population. The mission of the Laboratory is to be the main center of the scientific school of chemotology, which has been known in Ukraine and the world since 1959. The founder of the school is Corresponding Member of NAS of Ukraine O.F. Aksenov. The head of the school is the Chairman of the NGO Scientific and Technical Union of Chemotologists, Professor S.V. Boychenko. The strategic goal is to be a center of competence, quality compliance system in the field of rational use of operational materials in energy and transport. Efficiency, economy, energy efficiency, manufacturability and environmental friendliness are the main criteria for the use of operating materials during the operation of equipment.

The laboratory will be the driver of the implementation of another promising initiative at the ER IEE – the launch of a promising certificate educational program – engineering of hydrogen energy systems and technologies, as Ukraine has been identified as a priority partner in the Hydrogen Strategy for a climate-neutral Europe by 2050, due to its potential for hydrogen production and existing infrastructure connected to the EU.

Of great importance here is the training of qualified personnel for this field. At the initiative of Professor S.V. Boychenko, a certificate educational program “Engineering of Hydrogen Energy Systems and Technologies” is being developed.

The following scientific directions are being developed in the Laboratory of Resource and Energy Saving of the ER IEE:

– introduction of interactive software products (HOMER, iHOGA, ReTSCREEN) of distributed generation, autonomous micro networks, energy efficient technologies in the educational process, subject to the availability of software and hardware;

– creation of a modern training and experimental energy complex with an intelligent energy consumption system: hybrid (network, battery, autonomous modes and their combination) systems of various configurations using solar energy; hybrid (network, autonomous modes and their combination) systems of various configurations using bidirectional charge-discharge modes with the network.

Significant achievements were made by our young scientists: these are the winners of the competition “Young Lecturer-Researcher” – PhD, Associate Professor Y.A. Veremiychuk; PhD, Associate Professor D.G. Derevyanko, PhD, Associate Professor I.Y. Bilous, PhD, Associate Professor I.O. Sukhodub, PhD, Senior Lecturer N.A. Buyak and PhD, Senior Lecturer V.P. Opryshko. The winner of the competition for the grant of the President of Ukraine for the support of scientific research of young scientists is Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor O.S. Yarmolyuk (Order of the President of Ukraine No. 105/2018-rp) for the research “Development of a model of optimal functioning of energy hubs in intelligent energy supply systems of Ukraine” (No. DR 0118U100552, 2018). Laureates of the Prize of the President of Ukraine for Young Scientists 2016, awarded by the Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 509/2016, scholarship holder of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine 2018-2020 to Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Y.A. Veremiychuk. Laureates of the President of Ukraine Prize for Young Scientists 2019, awarded by Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 903/2019, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor I.O. Sukhodub and Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Lecturer N.A. Buyak. Laureate of the President of Ukraine Prize for Young Scientists 2020, awarded by Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 595/2020, scholarship holder of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine 2018-2020, and 2020-2022, PhD, Associate Professor I.Y. Bilous.

Students of the ER IEE received high awards for scientific achievements, namely:

– awarding the NAS of Ukraine Prize for Young Scientists and Students for the best scientific works based on the results of the 2018 competition to Targonskyi V.A., a student of the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” – for the work “Analysis of multi-agent control systems for electricity consumers in local smart grids” (Resolution of the Presidium of the NAS of Ukraine No. 41 of 13.02.2019.

– awarding the NAS of Ukraine Prize for Young Scientists and Students for the best scientific works based on the results of the 2014 competition. Ershenhoren N.E., a student of the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” – for the work “Assessment of the state of electromagnetic compatibility and improvement of the quality of electricity when using power electronics devices” (Resolution of the Presidium of the NAS of Ukraine № 41 of 25.02.2015.

– the winner (2nd place) of the Hackathon for female students “How to interest girls in energy” with the project “Energy Family” is a student of the group OE-01mp Kateryna Hilevych.

In addition, our students receive nominal and academic scholarships: the academic scholarship of the President of Ukraine in 2021 was received by the 4th year student of the group OA-71 Gorobets Andrii and the 1st year student of the group OE-01mp Hilevych Kateryna, in 2020 – Naumenko Daria, 2nd year student of the group OZ-91mp; the nominal scholarship of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine was received in 2020. Anna Bilous is a 4th year student of the OZ-71 group, in 2019 – Anna Hetmanchuk is a 2nd year student of the OT-81mn group and the personal scholarship of Dmytro Andrievskyi was received in 2019 by students Pikalo Veronika (OG-g61-1) and Matushkin Dmytro (OA-81mn), in 2018 – Artem Hohon and Artem Tarasyuk group OA-71mp, Sofia Dokshina group OA-71mn and Dmytro Dudarchuk group OT-71mn.

The activity of the international student radio club “Polytechnic” UT7UZA is well known in Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, which is well known not only at the University, but also in many countries and continents. The club team proudly carries the great name of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute – repeatedly becoming the Champion of the world, Europe, Ukraine, major international competitions, and taking part in the scientific developments of the institute. For 45 years, the club has been successfully managed by the teacher of the Department of Geoengineering – Mykola Sergienko UX0UN.

The honored employee of the IEE and the University, the head of the ECHO Art Gallery, a wonderful musician and poet – Volodymyr Pushkin, who always with his like-minded people prepare solemn holidays and performances, art galleries for our dear students and employees of the IEE, the whole KPI, is known at the university and far beyond its borders!

The Institute of IEE always cares about its graduates, who after graduating from the KPI found their destiny and work in different parts of Ukraine and the world. The IEE actively interacts and holds meetings with veterans and graduates of the IEE “Public Organization of Veterans and Graduates of the IEE”, headed by a graduate of the IEE, Chairman of the State Committee for Energy Saving of Ukraine, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Yurii Shulga.

The memory of our teachers and mentors is immortalized in the personalized auditoriums and laboratories: V.M. Vinoslavsky Auditorium – Museum, A.V. Prakhovnyk Auditorium, M.P. Kovalko Auditorium, L.P. Zagoruiko Laboratory of Soil Geomechanics, V.V. Smirnov Laboratory of Transport, S.M. Konstantinov Training Laboratory.

We want to assure our graduates, veterans, employees, who are now on a well-deserved rest, that the Institute of Energy Saving and Energy Management is in good hands and goes with honor and pride, faithful to the wide road of knowledge, a fighting team of employees and students. We wish the staff of the Institute good health, creative success, good deeds, new achievements, talented students. We wish all graduates to find their place in life, remember their native university and communicate more often (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5 – Traditional meetings of graduates of different generations. IEE is forever in our hearts and souls.

The scientific foundations originated in the ER IEE on energy management of intelligent energy efficient systems (Smart Grid) of electricity supply, management of energy efficiency of processes of industrial and municipal facilities, modeling and analysis of heat-technological processes and systems, formation of engineering properties of rocks by means of geodynamics, creation of methods and means of protection against harmful and dangerous production factors in welding and related technologies, as well as energy-saving destruction of active rock formations. New directions of our activity are emerging: energy as a service; energy supply systems for local facilities, including dynamic billing; charging systems for electric vehicles; engineering of hydrogen energy systems and technologies; systems for improving the quality of energy efficiency of electrical facilities and resource-saving technologies; thermomolecular energy and energy management; development of underground urbanism of megacities, etc. The identified promising scientific directions in the implementation of research in conjunction with leading scientists of the Institute, University and related academic institutions can achieve synergy and more significant results and are included in the research plans for the next years of the Educational and Research Institute of Energy Saving and Energy Management.
