Successful implementation of the tasks of the Advanced Study Institutes (ASI) grant “Capacity Building for a New Generation of Scientists in Energy Security and Climate Neutrality” within the framework of the NATO “Science for Peace and Security Program” grant program.
From October 8 to 16, 2024, the scientific team of the AEMK department together with representatives of the geoengineering department of the NN IEE KPI named after Igor Sikorskyi organized a workshop at the Advanced Study Institutes (ASI) “Capacity Building for a New Generation of Scientists in Energy Security and Climate Neutrality” ( according to the technical task obtained jointly with the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME, Hungary) (Scientific Association for Mechanical Engineering)) of the NATO grant program “Science for Peace and Security”. The main goal of ASI is the exchange of experience for the consolidation of young scientists to solve the problems of energy security and climate neutrality at the global and regional levels. The organizing committee from KPI was also represented by employees of the Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship, Faculty of Management and Marketing. Representatives of the organizational committee of KPI named after Igor Sikorsky was able to unite and present within the framework of this event a collective team of scientists-lecturers from Ukraine, who represented advanced scientific and methodical materials from the State University “Zhytomyr Polytechnic”, the National Transport University, the Energy Association “Ukrainian Hydrogen Council”, as well as partners from of the European Commonwealth from Technical University of Kosice (Slovakia), Institute of Aviation (Warsaw, Poland), Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (Lithuania). The event represented a series of training courses from 49 invited keynote speakers from NATO and NATO partner countries who shared best practices on NATO-related issues, including young academics with relevant expertise in the topic of the courses offered in 6 sections.
The organizing committee and leading lecturers of the Ukrainian delegation were represented by highly qualified specialists (Serhiy Boychenko, Stefan Zaichenko, Iryna Shkilniuk, Anna Yakovleva, Olena Gan, Sofia Zholtayly, Nataliya Shevchuk, Viktoriya Khrutba, Iryna Kotsyuba-Patseva, Oksana Rybak, Ihor Patsev, Oleksandr Zaporozhets, and also Jonas Matijosius, Pavol Kurdel, Yaroslav Kryl).
The multi-regional representation in the ASI shows the solidarity of the global society around the problems of energy security and climate neutrality, which NATO supports as a priority. Advanced lectures-presentations, constructive discussions greatly enriched all participants with invaluable experience shared by representatives of different countries. The lecture by the representative of the European Commission – Lea Sophie Vink, Head of Human Performance Austro Control (Vienna), Deputy Chairwoman of the European Commission Expert Group on the Human Dimension in Aviation was unique.
This event was another step towards strengthening international cooperation between scientists and practitioners in the field of energy efficiency, energy security, decarbonization and technologies for achieving climate neutrality in the context of the Doctrine of Sustainable Development. It also became a platform for future joint projects and grant programs, which was discussed with the participants during communicative meetings, in particular, participation in the international scientific and technical conference “Theory and practice of rational use of traditional and alternative fuels” (June 2025) –, as well as the Competition of scientific works of young scientists with international participation “Intellect of youth. Rational use of nature and the latest energy-efficient technologies” (October 17-18, 2024) –
During the discussions at ASI, scientists of KPI named after Igor Sikorskyi was presented with a project office with laboratory infrastructure (Serhiy Boychenko) and informed the participants about the implementation of the international project HORIZON-MISS-2023-CIT-02 “Associating Ukrainian cities to the Climate-neutral and smart cities Mission” under the HORIZON-CSA program (Stefan Zaichenko ).
Extraordinary work on the organization of ASI was performed by representatives of the host party – Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME, Hungary) (Scientific Association for Mechanical Engineering)) – Dr. Krisztina Bardos and Dr. Utku KALE, who provided a warm, comfortable welcome and highly qualified organization of the event!