Rules of work in yellow and red levels of epidemiological danger

Until March 31, 2022, quarantine is in force in Ukraine. From September 23, 2021, the State Commission for Energy and Emergency Situations established a yellow level of epidemic danger of the spread of Covid-19 in all regions of Ukraine. Within the yellow level it is forbidden: – visiting educational institutions, if more than 50% of…

What normative act defines the procedure for organizing medical examinations of employees working in conditions of harmful production factors?

The need for medical examinations of employees working in conditions of harmful production factors is determined by current legislation of Ukraine, including: Art. 169 of the Labor Code of Ukraine and Art. 17 of the Law of Ukraine “On labor protection”. The procedure for organizing and conducting such medical examinations, determined by the order “On…

Conducting medical examinations of employees in 2022

In accordance with the requirements of the Procedure for medical examinations of certain categories of workers, approved by the order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated 21.05.2007 № 246 work is underway to determine the category of workers subject to preliminary (periodic) medical examinations in 2022. The procedure for medical examinations of workers…

State Labor Reform: The government abolished the main departments in all regions

On January 12, 2022, at a regular meeting, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decided to reform the regional structure of the State Labor Service by establishing interregional departments, whose jurisdiction will extend to several oblasts. Reducing the number of territorial offices and ensuring the possibility of exercising the powers of inspectors on an interregional…

8th International Conference «Energy Smart Systems – 2022»

8th International Conference «Energy Smart Systems – 2022» is devoted to scientific, technical and economic problems of building of Energy Smart Systems – Smart Grid, which play an increasingly important role in improving energy efficiency across the country. Conference «Energy Smart Systems – 2022» is an international forum where academicians and industrial professionals will share new…

How is the disease linked to workers’ working conditions?

The procedure for detecting an employee’s suspicion of an occupational disease, establishing and confirming an occupational disease, as well as the forms of relevant documents defined and approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On Approval of the Procedure for Investigation and Accounting of Accidents, Occupational Diseases and Accidents at Work” of April 17,…

The key role of Occupational Health and safety in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic

On December 13, 2021, a week-long online course organized by the International Labor Organization, “The key role of Occupational Health and safety in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic”, was launched. At five webinars, ILO experts will present the latest research and policy recommendations for overcoming the covid-19 pandemic crisis while maintaining safe and healthy…