Congratulations to all scientists, students and stakeholders!

Geoengineering Department of SE IEE Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute invites you to participate in a free WORKSHOP dedicated to the “The simulation program in GPSS/H is on “A Study of a Blast in a Mine”, in which a representative of Dr. Necmettin Çetin, DPÜ Faculty of Engineering, Department of Mining, Turkey will talk about the methods of this modeling.

Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 969 001 7790
Passcode: 1

Key topics to consider:
1. Features of the project
2. Determining the value of the sequence and accumulation of the explosion using a simulation model.
3. Simulation explosion control.

Details of the event:
Date: December 8, 2021.
Form of holding: ZOOM meeting
Start: 14:00 Kyiv time
Language: English
Speaker: Dr. Necmettin Çetin

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