The Confederation of Employers of Ukraine appealed to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine with an initiative to amend the Standard Regulations on the Procedure for Training and Testing of Knowledge on Occupational Safety.

Among the main changes to the Model Regulations it is proposed to provide:

  • granting the right to training centers to form commissions to test knowledge on security issues;
  • a detailed procedure for the formation of a commission to test knowledge on occupational safety to exclude the possibility of abuse by members of the commission;
  • a detailed procedure for assessing knowledge in the field of occupational safety and health, which will eliminate ambiguities and excessive freedom in decision-making inherent in the existing process, in particular regarding permitted exam tickets, additional questions and the threshold for passing the exam;
  • development and implementation of certification of competence and quality management in educational institutions and training centers, which would not allow unscrupulous market participants, for example, introduce a requirement confirming their compliance with generally accepted international standards (this will keep only real companies providing standardized training services, not formal, without actual training).

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