Chairman of the Scientific Council ES IEE
Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute
Dr. Sci., Professor

Secretary of the Scientific Council ES IEE
Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute
Ph.D., Associate Professor
Last name, first name and patronymic |
Position, academic degree, academic title |
1 |
DENYSYUK Serhiy Petrovich |
Chairman of the Academic Council , Director of IEE, Professor, Ph.D. |
2 |
DANILIN Alexander Valerievich |
Deputy Chairman of the Academic Council , Deputy Director of IEE, Associate Professor of Automation Management of Electrical Complexes, Ph.D. |
3 |
GAN Anatoliy Leonidovych |
Deputy Chairman of the Academic Council , Deputy Director of IEE, Associate Professor of Geoengineering, Ph.D. |
4 |
RUN Vitaliy Anatoliyovych |
Scientific Secretary , Associate Professor of Power Supply, Ph.D. |
5 |
DYCHKO Alina Olehivna |
Deputy Director of IEE, Professor of Engineering Ecology, Ph.D. |
6 |
TKACHENKO Vadim Vladislavovich |
Deputy Director of IEE, Associate Professor of Power Supply, Ph.D. |
7 |
DESHKO Valery Ivanovich |
Head of the Department of Heat Engineering and Energy Saving, Professor, Ph.D. |
8 |
FEDOSENKO Mykola Mykolayovych |
Associate Professor of Power Supply, Ph.D. |
9 |
KRYUCHKOV Anatoliy Ivanovych |
Head of the Department of Geoengineering, Associate Professor, Ph.D. |
10 |
ROSEN Victor Petrovich |
Head of the Department of Automation of Control of Electrical Complexes, Professor, Ph.D. |
11 |
SHEVCHUK Stepan Prokopovich |
Head of the Department of Electromechanical Equipment of Energy-intensive Industries, Professor, Ph.D. |
12 |
LEVCHENKO Oleg Grigorovich |
Head of the Department of Labor Protection, Industrial and Civil Safety, Professor, Ph.D. |
13 |
KRAVETS Victor Georgievich |
Professor of Geoengineering, Ph.D. |
14 |
POPOV Vladimir Andreevich |
Head of the Department of Power Supply, Ph.D. |
15 |
TRETYAKOVA Larysa Dmytrivna |
Professor of the Department of Labor Protection, Industrial and Civil Safety, Ph.D. |
16 |
ZAICHENKO Stefan Vladimirovich |
Professor of the Department of Electromechanical Equipment of Energy-intensive Industries, Ph.D. |
17 |
SHKLYAR Victor Ivanovich |
Associate Professor of Heat Engineering and Energy Saving, Ph.D. |
18 |
PONOMARENKO Lyudmyla Hryhorivna |
chief accountant of IEE |
19 |
VAPNICHNA Victoria Viktorivna |
Chairman of the Trade Union Bureau of IEE, Associate Professor of Geoengineering, Ph.D. |
20 |
SHULHA Yuriy Ivanovych |
Associate Professor of Automation Management of Electrical Complexes, Ph.D. |
21 |
Gorobets Andrey Nikolaevich |
chairman of the trade union bureau of IEE students, student of the OA-71 group |
22 |
BILOUS Anna Yaroslavivna |
chairman of the student council of IEE, student of group OZ-71 |
23 |
NITSUN Julia Gennadievna |
secretary of the student council of the dormitory №16 IEE, student of the group ON-71 |
Agenda of the meeting of the IEE Academic Council dated 27.09.2021 at 15:00, minutes №2 (meeting of the IEE Academic Council will be held in room № 316):
Under the leadership of the Chairman of the IEE Academic Council Serhiy DENYSYUK, in accordance with the agenda, the following issues will be considered:
1. On the intensification of scientific work of IEE in accordance with the order “On educational and scientific institutes of KPI. Igor Sikorsky ». (speakers – IEE Director Serhiy DENYSYUK, Serhiy BOYCHENKO)
2. On the organization of career guidance IEE. (speaker – Gleb DEMCHUK)
3. On the organization of the educational process IEE. (Speaker – Vadim TKACHENKO, Deputy Director of IEE)
4. On the state of electronic resources and periodicals IEE. (Speaker – Deputy Director of IEE Alexander DANILIN)
5. On preliminary results of IEE self-analysis. (Speaker – Deputy Director of IEE Anatoly GAN)
6. On approval of reports of graduate students of 1-4 years of study. (speakers – heads of IEE departments)
7. Miscellaneous.
Agenda of the meeting of the IEE Academic Council dated 30.08.2021 at 14:00, minutes №1 (meeting of the IEE Academic Council will be held in room № 316, attendance required):
Under the leadership of the Chairman of the IEE Academic Council Serhiy DENYSYUK, in accordance with the agenda, the following issues will be considered:
1. On the results of the IEE team in 2020/2021 academic year About the main prospects and tasks for the current academic year in educational, scientific, international, economic activities of IEE. (speaker – IEE director Serhiy DENYSYUK).
2. On the results of the IEE Selection Commission. (Speaker – Lyubov Yevteeva, Executive Secretary of the IEE Executive Committee).
3. On the organization of the educational process IEE. (speakers – Deputy Director of IEE Vadym TKACHENKO, Anatoliy GAN).
4. On the organization of the settlement of IEE students in the dormitory №16. About the state of informatization of IEE. (speaker – Deputy Director of IEE Alexander DANILIN).
5. Miscellaneous.
Agenda of the meeting of the Academic Council of the IEE from 24.06.2021 at 12:00, minutes №13 (meeting of the Academic Council will be held in a mixed format):
1. About personnel issues. (Speaker Secretary of the Academic Council Vitaliy POBIGAILO)
2. On the preliminary results of the spring session of the IEE. (Speaker: IEE Deputy Director Vadym TKACHENKO)
3. About the organization of filling of a rating of NPP. (Speaker: Deputy Director of IEE Alexander DANILIN)
4. On the prospects of development in cooperation with partner companies. (speakers, heads of IEE departments)
5. On the results of the IEE NPP reporting on the provision of rating indicators on methodological and scientific activities and prospects for the development of state contract issues. (speakers, heads of IEE departments)
7. About work of VK IEE. (speakers Lyubov YEVTEEVA, Glib DEMCHUK)
8. Miscellaneous.
The meeting of the IEE Academic Council will take place on 31.05.2021, using the Google-Meet platform, at 13:00, minutes № 12.
(meeting of the Academic Council will be held in a mixed format)
1. About personnel issues. (Speaker Secretary of the Academic Council Vitaliy POBIGAILO)
2. On the preliminary results of the second semester control. (Speaker: IEE Deputy Director Vadym TKACHENKO)
3. On the state of informatization of IEE. (Speaker: Deputy Director of IEE Alexander DANILIN)
4. On updating the composition of the NMC KPI. Igor Sikorsky. (speaker IEE Director Serhiy DENYSYUK)
5. On the results of the All-Ukrainian Conference “Energy. Ecology. Man”. (Speaker: Deputy Director of IEE Alina DYCHKO)
6. On the results of the ECE IEE. (Speaker: Deputy Director of IEE Anatoly GAN)
7. About work of VK IEE. (speakers Lyubov YEVTEEVA, Glib DEMCHUK)
8. Miscellaneous.
The meeting of the IEE Academic Council will take place on April 26, 2021, using the Google-Meet platform, at 12:00, minutes № 11.
Agenda of the Academic Council meeting:
1. About the organization of the IEE introductory campaign. About the results of the open day. (reports by Lyubov YEVTEYEVA, Glib DEMCHUK, Andriy ZHURAVLYOV)
2. On the results of approval of the Collective Agreement of KPI named after Igor Sikorsky. (reports Victoria Limestone)
3. On preparation for the XIII scientific and technical conference “Energy. Ecology. Man”. (reports by IEE Deputy Director Alina DYCHKO)
4. Miscellaneous.
The meeting of the IEE Academic Council will take place on March 30, 2021, using the Google-Meet platform, at 10:00, minutes № 10.
Agenda of the Academic Council meeting:
1. About personnel issues. (Reported by: Chairman of the IEE Academic Council Serhiy DENYSYUK, Scientific Secretary of the IEE Academic Council Vitaliy POBIGAYLO)
2. Miscellaneous.
The meeting of the IEE Academic Council will take place on February 26, 2021, using the Google-Meet platform, at 12:00, minutes № 9.
Agenda of the Academic Council meeting:
1. About the organization of the IEE introductory campaign. (reports by Lyubov YEVTEYEVA, Glib DEMCHUK, Andriy ZHURAVLYOV)
2. On the report on the educational work of the IEE. (reports by IEE Deputy Director Vadym TKACHENKO)
3. On approval of F-catalogs and preparation of Syllabuses. (reports by IEE Deputy Director Anatoliy GAN)
4. On the reporting of graduate students of all years of study for the first semester. (reports by IEE Deputy Director Alina DYCHKO)
5. Miscellaneous.
The meeting of the IEE Academic Council will take place on January 25, 2021, using the Google-Meet platform, at 12:00, minutes № 8.
Agenda of the Academic Council meeting:
1. About the organization of the IEE introductory campaign. (reports by Lyubov YEVTEYEVA, Hlib DEMCHUK)
2. About the organization of the mixed educational process for 4, 6 courses. (reports by IEE Deputy Director Vadym TKACHENKO)
3. On measures to prepare for the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the IEE. (reports by IEE Deputy Director Oleksandr DANILIN, Mykola SERHIENKO)
4. On the state of informatization of IEE. (reports by IEE Deputy Director Oleksandr DANILIN)
5. Miscellaneous.
IEE Academic Council Meeting Minutes № 7.
Agenda of the Academic Council meeting:
4. Miscellaneous.
The meeting of the IEE Academic Council will take place on November 27, 2020, using the Google-Meet system, at 14:00, minutes № 6.
Agenda of the Academic Council meeting:
1. On measures to prepare for the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the IEE. (reports by IEE Director Serhiy DENYSYUK)
2. On the results of the ECE IEE. (reports by IEE Deputy Director Anatoliy GAN)
3. On the results of the first attestation and the beginning of the second attestation of the IEE. About the course of educational process in the conditions of distance learning. (reports by IEE Deputy Director Vadym TKACHENKO)
4. About the plan of admission to postgraduate study for 2021. About the statement of themes of dissertations of the I course of PhD. (reports by IEE Deputy Director Alina DYCHKO, Heads of IEE Departments)
5. Miscellaneous.
IEE Academic Council Meeting Minutes № 5.
Agenda of the Academic Council meeting:
4. Miscellaneous.
The meeting of the IEE Academic Council will take place at 12:00 on 05.11.2020, minutes № 4. The meeting will take place in the auditorium №701 of building 22, in compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements in accordance with epidemiological conditions.
Agenda of the Academic Council meeting:
1. Personnel issues. (reports by the Scientific Secretary of the IEE Academic Council Vitaliy POBIGAILO)
2. On the results of the 1st IEE certification. (reports by IEE Deputy Director Vadym TKACHENKO)
3. On the state of informatization of IEE. ( reports by IEE Deputy Director Oleksandr DANILIN)
4. Miscellaneous.
The meeting of the IEE Academic Council will take place on September 25, 2020 at 14:00, minutes № 3.
Agenda of the Academic Council meeting:
1. On the state of preparation and implementation of the joint training program of the second degree – New Generation Energy (New Generation Electricity and Energy Markets). (reports by IEE Director Serhiy DENYSYUK)
2. On the state of informatization and digitalization of IEE in terms of distance education. About the state of preparation for the meeting and settlement of 1st year students. About the information system of control of execution of orders and instructions on IEE. (reports by IEE Deputy Director Oleksandr DANILIN)
3. On the state of development of the educational program “Resource-saving geoinformation technologies in subsoil use”. (reports the head of the department Anatoly KRYUCHKOV)
4. On approval of individual plans of IEE graduate students. (reports by IEE Deputy Director Alina DYCHKO)
5. On the state of self-analysis of IEE departments, in accordance with the order “On determining the compliance of IEE departments in the main areas of their activities.” (IEE Deputy Directors Anatoliy GAN, Vadym TKACHENKO report)
6. Miscellaneous.
Meeting of the IEE Academic Council dated 04.09.2020, minutes № 2.
Agenda of the Academic Council meeting:
1. Personnel issues. (reports by the Scientific Secretary of the IEE Academic Council Vitaliy POBIGAILO)
2. About the main tasks for the current academic year. About the state of informatization of IEE. (reports by IEE Director Serhiy DENYSYUK)
3. On the status of the IEE Admissions Committee. (reports by the Executive Secretary of the IEE Executive Committee Andriy ZHURAVLYOV)
4. Miscellaneous.
Meeting of the IEE Academic Council dated 28.08.2020, minutes № 1.
Agenda of the Academic Council meeting:
1. On the results of the IEE team in 2019/2020 academic year About the main prospects and tasks for the current academic year in educational, scientific, international, economic activities of IEE. (reports by IEE Director Serhiy DENYSYUK).
2. On the status of the IEE Admissions Committee. (reports by the Executive Secretary of the IEE Executive Committee Andriy ZHURAVLYOV).
3. On the organization of the educational process IEE. (reports by IEE Deputy Director Vadym TKACHENKO).
4. On the organization of student accommodation in the dormitory №16. About the state of informatization of IEE. (reports by IEE Deputy Director Oleksandr DANILIN).
5. Miscellaneous.
On September 25, 2020, at 14:00, a meeting of the IEE Academic Council was held using the Google-Meet system, minutes № 3.
The following issues were considered in accordance with the agenda, and in the presence of a quorum:
1. On the state of preparation and implementation of the joint training program of the second degree – New Generation Energy (New Generation Electricity and Energy Markets). On the results of the IEE Selection Commission in 2020 (reported by IEE Director Serhiy DENYSYUK)
2. On the state of informatization and digitalization of IEE in terms of distance education. About the state of preparation for the meeting and settlement of 1st year students. About the information system of control of execution of orders and instructions on IEE. (reported by IEE Deputy Director Oleksandr DANILIN).
3. On the state of development of the educational program “Resource-saving geoinformation technologies in subsoil use”. (reported by the head of the department Anatoly KRYUCHKOV).
4. On approval of individual plans of IEE graduate students. (reported by IEE Deputy Director Alina DYCHKO).
5. On the state of self-analysis of IEE departments, in accordance with the order “On determining the compliance of IEE departments in the main areas of their activities.” (Reported by IEE Deputy Directors Anatoliy GAN, Vadym TKACHENKO)
6. Miscellaneous.
On September 4, 2020, at 14:00, a meeting of the IEE Academic Council was held.
In accordance with the agenda and in the presence of a quorum, the following issues were considered:
1. Personnel issues. (reported by the Scientific Secretary of the IEE Academic Council Vitaliy POBIGAILO).
2. About the main tasks for the current academic year. About the state of informatization of IEE. On the results of the administrative council of KPI. Igor Sikorsky. (reported by IEE Director Serhiy DENYSYUK).
3. Miscellaneous.
On August 28, 2020, a meeting of the IEE Academic Council took place at 11:00, minutes № 1.
Under the leadership of the Chairman of the IEE Academic Council Serhiy DENYSIUK, in accordance with the agenda, the following issues were considered:
1. On the results of the IEE team in 2019/2020 academic year About the main prospects and tasks for the current academic year in educational, scientific, international, economic activities of IEE. (reported by IEE Director Serhiy DENYSYUK).
2. On the organization of the educational process of IEE. (reported by IEE Deputy Director Vadym TKACHENKO).
3. On the organization of student accommodation in the dormitory №16. About the state of informatization of IEE. (reported by IEE Deputy Director Oleksandr DANILIN).
4. In various respects, the director of the IEE Serhiy DENYSYUK proposed the report of the rector M.Z. Zgurovsky for consideration at the session of the teaching staff of KPI. Igor Sikorsky on August 28, 2020.