Acting Head of the Department Ph.D., Associate Professor
Today, the Power Supply Department of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute is a leader in Ukraine in training specialists in the specialty 141 “Electric Power, Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics”, which includes two educational programs: “Systems for providing consumers with electricity” and “Energy Management and Energy Efficient Technologies”. The department was the initiator and founder since 1997 of the specialty “Energy Management” in Ukraine.
From July 1, 2021 the department is headed by its graduate, Ph. D, Associate Professor, Denys Derevianko, who is a three-time winner of the competition “Young Teacher-Researcher “, finalist of the competition “Young Scientist of the Year” in the category “Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering” a leading certified specialist of international level in energy audit and energy management.
Denys Derevianko is the head of the scientific circle of the department “Smart Grid systems with sources of distributed generation”. The group employs 10 students, involved teachers – prof. Serhii Denysiuk, senior lecturer Yuliia Chernetska.
The staff of the Power Supply Department consists of 20 full-time research and teaching staff, including 3 doctors of sciences, 16 – candidates of sciences and 1 teacher without a degree; scientific head of the department – doctor of sciences, director of the IEE; 8 part-time staff, including 2 doctors of sciences and 4 candidates of sciences. Number of graduate students at the department – 9.
During the whole period of the department’s activity (since 1949) active scientific work is carried out. Its results are presented at the department by the scientific school “Energy Management of Smart Energy Efficient Systems (SmartGrid)”. (under the leadership of the scientific director of the department, Professor Serhii Denysiuk) and four scientific groups that ensure the development of the main scientific directions of the department and strengthen ties with leading international scientific institutions and organizations.
The last two decades have seen a wide range of research on energy management and implementation of energy efficient technologies, the use of distributed generation, a new generation of accounting and management systems, controls, active consumer participation in the formation of optimal energy use, energy audit systems (Serhii Denysiuk, Volodymyr Popov, Volodymyr Nakhodov, Volodymyr Prokopenko)
Educational and methodological support of the educational program “Energy Management and Energy Efficient Technologies”, developed at the Department of Power Supply, became the basis for organizing the graduation of specialists in the field of training “Energy Management” for all universities in Ukraine.
The educational process and research is facilitated by the presence of the Center for Training of Energy Managers established on the basis of the department in the line of implementation of the international project TACIS.
The department holds annual All-Ukrainian Olympiads in the specialty 141 Power Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics (specialization “Power Supply Systems” and specialization “Energy Management and Energy Efficiency”) and specialty 144 Heat Power Engineering (specialization “Energy Management and Engineering). Students who take part every year become laureates and winners of various professional competitions and Olympiads. In the last 10 years, the mobility of postgraduate and student education has been widely developed – it includes training in leading educational institutions in other countries.
The Department of Power Supply trains specialists who are able to develop, design and operate intelligent energy systems and systems, integrated power supply systems, both centralized and decentralized, to create energy management systems for industrial and municipal facilities based on the concept of Smart Grid, microsystems and virtual stations, to create modern energy management systems, to work on modern energy-saving, energy-efficient technologies, to monitor energy consumption of industrial enterprises based on the use of information and computer technologies.
The Department of Power Supply is the founder and main organizer of international scientific conferences “Intelligent Energy Systems – ESS” and “Energy Management: Status and Prospects – PEMS” (supervisor – Dr. Denisyuk SP).
Since 2019, the Department of Power Supply has a double degree program in conjunction with the Warsaw University of Technology (WUT) in the implementation of the project in the field of education “Preparation and implementation of a second degree joint study program -” New Generation Electricity and Energy Markets “. In 2020, a group of five Ukrainian students of the Department of Power Supply IEE KPI. Igor Sikorski and a group of Polish students WUT in the number of 11 people began their studies under this program (in the spring semester at WUT, and in the autumn already at the KPI named after Igor Sikorski). Under the terms of the project, the training was conducted by teachers of KPI. Igor Sikorsky in English. Students who passed the competitive selection for participation in this program studied at the second qualification level (master’s degree) in specialty 141 “Power Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics”. At the moment, according to the results of their studies, Ukrainian students have already received diplomas from KPI. Igor Sikorsky and WUT (almost all with honors).
To maintain relations with employers, the department has introduced dual education in cooperation with PJSC DTEK Kyiv Regional Electric Networks since September 1, 2021. Students studying in this program have the opportunity not only to study but also to gain professional skills and business connections in the workplace in the leading energy company of Ukraine.
Thus, the Department of Power Supply is provided with a sufficiently high scientific potential, scientific schools, training base and teaching staff, which includes honored scientists, winners of State Prizes of Ukraine.
Over the past five years, scientists of the department have published more than 200 scientific papers, including 27 monographs and textbooks, 106 articles in scientific databases, including Scopus, Web of Science.
Website of the department: http://ep.kpi.ua
E-mail: ep@iee.kpi.ua
Address: 03056, Kyiv, street Borshchahivska, 115/3, building 22, room 315
Phone:+38-044-204-85-14; 204-86-48