Head of Department
Doctor of Engineering Science, Professor.
The main activities of the Department of Labor Protection, Industrial and Civil Safety:
1. Educational and methodical work
- Teaching normative disciplines:
- Life safety and civil protection;
Labor protection and civil protection.
Occupational safety consultations for the preparation of the section: “Labor protection” in diploma projects (works) of bachelors; “Occupational health and safety in emergencies” in master’s theses. Training of scientific personnel (candidates and doctors of sciences). Ensuring the preparation and publication of scientific and pedagogical staff of the Department of educational and methodological literature (textbooks, manuals, guidelines, lecture notes, regulations, etc.).
2. Research work
- Preparation of a proposal for the formation of scientific and technical topics of the department.
- Participation in competitions of state scientific and technical programs on labor protection. Execution of research work (R&D) on labor protection together with the Institute of Electric Welding.
- EA Paton National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the National Research Institute of Industrial Safety and Health Protection.
- Constant study of market needs of Ukrainian industry in research work on labor protection.
3. Self-supporting work
- Execution of self-supporting research and development to ensure regulatory working conditions and protection against harmful and dangerous factors at work and in emergencies.
- Preparation of a proposal for industrial enterprises to implement R & D to ensure proper working conditions, livelihoods and protection of workers from harmful and dangerous factors of production.
Website of the department: http://opcb.kpi.ua/
Email: levchenko.opcb@ukr.net
Address: 03056, Kyiv, street Borshchahivska, 115, building 22, 3rd floor
Phone: +38 (044) 204-96-87, (044) 204-82-30